(732) 724-1294


KYBELLA™(deoxycholic acid) injection, the first and only FDA-approved injectable drug available that contours and improves the appearance of moderate to severe submental neck fullness, sometimes referred to as a “double chin” or “turkey neck,” is now available in Marlboro, NJ.


Double chin is a common, yet under-treated aesthetic condition that is often resistant to diet and exercise alone and influenced by several factors, including aging, genetics and weight gain.


Each in-office treatment session with KYBELLA™ is typically 30 minutes.


When injected into subcutaneous fat, KYBELLA™ causes the destruction of fat cells. Once destroyed, those cells cannot store or accumulate fat. The aesthetic response is usually achieved with KYBELLA. Once you reach the desired response, you should not have to retreat. The treatment sessions are spaced at least six weeks apart.


Treatment with KYBELLA™ is customized by Dr. Cynthia Salter-Lewis to the patient’s aesthetic goals for an improved chin profile.


The most common side effects are swelling, bruising, pain, numbness, redness and formation of areas of hardness in the treatment area. In clinical trials, the incidence and severity of most side effects decreased with subsequent KYBELLA™ treatments.


Schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Cynthia Salter-Lewis to determine if Kybella might be right for you.

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